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Up to 4 days saved by efficient spend management

We save so much time by not chasing receipts each month.

London-based CCgroup specialises in  Public Relations, Analyst Relations, and marketing consulting for B2B tech companies around the world. Their area of expertise includes fintech, telecoms, deep tech, and enterprise tech...



Customer since


Time Saved

3-4 days/month

Shirene Ibrahim, Financial Controller

Efficiency reigns supreme

Shirene Ibrahim is CCgroup’s Financial Controller, so she gets an up close and personal view of how exactly Spendesk saves the company time and money each month. 

A Controller who has receipts under control

As CCgroup’s Financial Controller, Shirene oversees the finance team’s day-to-day functions, making sure their processes are efficient and the proper controls are in place. 

Luckily, Shirene and the rest of CCgroup’s finance team can breathe a sigh of relief when it comes to month-end closing with Spendesk. Shirene appreciates that pre-approved purchase amounts and real-time data allow the finance team to keep an eye on company spend. 

For CCgroup, one of the key benefits of using Spendesk is the ability to reconcile cards and trace receipts in real time. Instead of waiting for the end of the month, the finance team tracks receipts on a weekly basis, ensuring they have real-time data for monitoring expenses.

Every employee can use Spendesk

New employees get onboarded onto Spendesk right away. Shirene explains: “We’ll have a call with them on their first day and walk them through the systems to use. We’ll send them a how-to document with screenshots. They just download the Spendesk app and upload a receipt. We go through it with them when they first join, and then they’re good to go.”

And that’s it! No unnecessary or overly long training, just quick and easy onboarding. All employees are now on the same page when it comes to company spend management. Expectations are clear, and the risk of rogue spending is reduced.

Shirene credits the Spendesk platform’s user-friendliness. For her in particular, onboarding to Spendesk was “really easy. Spendesk is pretty intuitive.”

Helpful integrations that save time

According to Shirene, the Spendesk & Xero integration is quite helpful. The integration with Xero accounting software allows for seamless posting of transactions and saves time in bookkeeping.  

“We like our integrations. Spendesk fully integrates with Xero and posts the transactions onto Xero once it’s authorised. We can reconcile the cards as we go along. We’ve got real-time data.”

Receipt-chasing days are over

Shirene acknowledges that one of the worst parts of the job for finance teams is tracking down employees who haven’t yet submitted their receipts for expense claims. But with Spendesk? That’s no longer necessary. 

Employees simply use their Spendesk card, and upload their receipts immediately, and Shirene and her team have all the information almost instantaneously. She says: “We’re able to reconcile the cards as people are spending their money, as opposed to waiting for the end of the month and we’d have to chase everyone for their receipts.”

The finance team is no longer the bad cop; long gone are their days of chasing down receipts, and their time is now better spent on more important valuable tasks.

Implementing Spendesk has streamlined their expense claim process, improved efficiency in reconciling transactions and tracing receipts, and provided real-time data for monitoring expenses. With Spendesk, the CC Group has been able to save time in bookkeeping and ensure a more efficient financial management process.

It’s all about time efficiency for us. It saves the team so much time not chasing people for receipts.

Shirene Ibrahim

Financial Controller

Get started with Spendesk

Make the switch to smarter company spending today.