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Integrate LicenceOne & Spendesk with ease

Connect LicenceOne with Spendesk to enhance your oversight of software subscriptions and optimize savings by quickly identifying unused licenses.

Category -
SaaS Management
Developed by -

How it works

1. Initiate Connection

In the LicenceOne dashboard, go to "Payment processors" and click "Connect."

2. Select Spendesk:

From the list of payment processors, choose Spendesk to integrate.

3. Authorize Access

Select your Spendesk company account and authorise LicenceOne to access necessary financial and subscription data.

4. Complete Integration

Finalize the setup by clicking "Authorize”, allowing LicenceOne to start managing and tracking your software subscriptions automatically.

Optimise SaaS Management with our LicenceOne Integration

  • Prevent wasted spend

    Identify unused licenses and cut unnecessary subscription costs.

  • Stay informed

    Receive intelligent notifications before auto-renewals, ensuring cost efficiency.

  • Maximise efficiency

    Integrate Spendesk & LicenceOne to achieve smoother subscription workflows.

Integrate LicenceOne with Spendesk today

Talk to our team to activate the integration, and start saving time immediately.